Reflexology is the application of pressure techniques to the feet (mostly) and the hands, in order to affect another part of the body. These techniques stimulate pressure sensors, triggering the relaxation response throughout the body. From ancient times to the present day, working the feet has been used as a means of maintaining good health and well-being.
Reflexologists apply pressure techniques to the feet and hands to stimulate specific reflexes that mirror the anatomical arrangement of the organs and glands in the body. Pressure sensors in the feet communicate instantly with the brain, internal organs and other parts of the body. Clinical studies show that reflexology and classical music increase alpha frequencies in brain waves associated with relaxation.
If practiced regularly, reflexology not only can interrupt the stress response, but can also condition an improved response to stress related triggers. Reflexology encourages good health, promoting relaxation, easing pain, detoxifying, while facilitating a general sense of well-being.
Visit The White Lotus Wellness Centre in Kloof street, Cape Town to book your Reflexology appointment.
R 1220 for 1hr